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Физико-математический факультет

Our Faculty prepares specialists in the field of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences. We are sincerely interested in our Graduates possessing high competence, professional mobility, and bright personality. Only under these conditions one can achieve success, both in profession and in life.

The Faculty was established in 1932 at the same time as the opening of the Sukhum State Pedagogical Institute. Here at different times, worked famous experts in mathematics and physics: Chelidze V.G., Agrest M.M., Maksimov M. 3., Chukbar M.A., Kiriya M.A., Savchenko I.S., Tabagua M.I., Sadzba I.N., Otyrba E.A., Bagba I.D., and others. In accordance with modern Educational Standards, the Faculty offers different levels of Higher Aducation in the areas of "Mathematics", "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science" and "Physics". Specialists receive additional qualification of a “Teacher”. Faculty Graduates are prepared to carry out research work in those areas using mathematical and physical methods or computer technology. The objects of their professional activities are educational and research Centers, governing bodies, as well as financial institutions and industrial production.

Currently the Faculty unites 4 Departments: Mathematical Analysis, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, General Physics, and Applied Physics.



·        Mathematical Analysis - “Theory of Functions”, “Methods of teaching Mathematics”;

·       Applied Mathematics and Computer Science - “Mathematical and Computer Softwares”;

·       General Physics - "Methods of teaching Physics", "Geophysics";

·       Applied Physics - “Physics of Semiconductor Devices”.

Educational and research laboratories operate at relevant Departments :

·       3 Laboratories of computer facility;

·       Laboratory of mechanics;

·       Laboratory of electromagnetism;

·       Laboratory of optics;

·       Laboratory of molecular physics.

There are 13 Professors and Associate Professors, 21 Senior Lecturers and Researchers at the Faculty. Among them are: Gvaramiya AA, Academician of ASA, AIAS and RANS, holder of the honorary title “Name in Science”, member of the Club of the Rectors of Europe, Rector of ASU; two Academicians of ASA: Prof. Pachulia N.L. and Prof. Ekba J.A.; Correspondent member of ASA - Prof. Lasuria R.A. Two representatives of the Faculty -Prof. Lasuria R.A. and Prof. Ekba Ya. A. are Laureates of the Dzidzariya State Prize in Science. Three staff members of Faculty - Guaramia A.A., Pachuliya N.L., and Shamba E.M. - are awarded the highest State Orders "Akhdz-Apsha". The total number of FMF Graduates from 1994 to 2017 is more than 700 people. Todate, there are 150 students at the Faculty.

Scientific activity is concentrated in the Faculty Departments. Fundamental research is being conducted in the areas of Harmonic Analysis, Functional Analysis, Abstract Algebra and Logic, Equations of Mathematical Physics, methods of teaching Physics, Geophysics, Biophysics, Semiconducting Physics, Computer Technology.

FMF Scientists systematically take active part in many representative scientific forums of the countries of near and far abroad, collaborate with well-known scientific publications.

International Сonferences on various fields of mathematics and physics are repeatedly held in FMF Faculty, along with Scientific and Practical Conferences, which are held every year.

A considerable number of seminars and special courses on the latest issues of Mathematics, Physics, Programming provided by leading experts, enable students of FMF Faculty to go through in-depth study and subsequent independent work. Therefore, the demand for graduates of FMF is great.

Декан факультета

Пачулиа Ниазбей Лукич
  • Звание: Профессор, академик АНА
  • Ученая степень: Доктор физико-математических наук
  • Телефон: +7(940)927-29-27
  • E-mail:


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