Ученый совет
Ученый Совет АГУ является высшим коллегиальным органом управления в университете. Члены Ученого Совета АГУ имеют право вносить предложения по плану и содержанию работы Ученого Совета АГУ, направлять запросы должностным лицам АГУ, которые обязаны отвечать на них в течение месяца.
The structure of the Academic Council of ASU includes
а) by position - Rector (Chairman), Vice-Rectors, Chief Scientific Secretary, Deans of Faculties (branches, institutes), Scientific LibraryDirector, Director of the Republican Center for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Specialists, Head of ASU Academic Department.
b) by elections –professor and lecturer staff on the proposal of the Faculty Academic Council (by secret ballot) at the rate of one representative from fifteen people.
The composition of ASU Academic Council is approved by the Rector’s Order. The term of ASU Academic Council mandate is five years.
b) by elections –professor and lecturer staff on the proposal of the Faculty Academic Council (by secret ballot) at the rate of one representative from fifteen people.
The composition of ASU Academic Council is approved by the Rector’s Order. The term of ASU Academic Council mandate is five years.
Decisions of the ASU Academic Council
are considered accepted if at least 2/3 of the list of ASU Academic Council members participated in the meeting, and the majority of those present at the meeting voted for the decision (50% + 1 vote).
Decisions of the ASU Academic Council are obligatory for all Structural Divisions and all University Staff.
Meetings of the ASU Academic Council are held at least once every two months during the academic year.
Decisions of the ASU Academic Council are obligatory for all Structural Divisions and all University Staff.
Meetings of the ASU Academic Council are held at least once every two months during the academic year.
The Academic Council of ASU
-addresses the most important issues related to the development of ASU, its Educational, Scientific, International, Financial and Economic activities;
- approves the ASU Charter, makes additions and amendments to it;
-approves the anthem and symbolics of ASU;
-addresses issues of changing the ASU structure,
including the creation, reorganization or liquidation of Faculties and other Departments of ASU;
-approves Regulations on ASU Structural Units and other provisions on the University activities;
-conducts elections by competition for the posts of: Department Heads, Lecturers of different University Departments;
-approves the candidatures of Faculty Deans according to election results at Faculty Expanded Academic Councils;
-forms and approves the Library Council composition;
-makes decisions on assignment the Academic Title of Associate
Professors and Professors;
-adopts the ASU Applicant Admission Rules and Plan;
-approves the Research Thematic Plan, the Annual Plan of Scientific Events;
-holds hearings of Vice-Rectors Annual Reports
on Academic, Scientific, Educational and Economic activities;
-annually holds hearings and approves the ASU Financial Report;
-confers the title of Honorary Doctor and Honorary Professor of Abkhaz State University;
- nominates candidates for the award of State Prizes of the Republic of Abkhazia, submits, in the
established manner, proposals on rewarding Lecturers and staff with Industry and State Awards and on conferring Honorary Titles of the Republic of Abkhazia;
-makes decisions on granting
Lecturers and other staff with Creative Leaves
(sabbatical) and (or) on sending them for Internships;
- approves students' nominations for Personal Scholarships;
- decides on the creation or participation in Commercial and Non-profit Organizations;
-makes other decisions aimed at improving the training quality and the level of Scientific Research.
- approves the ASU Charter, makes additions and amendments to it;
-approves the anthem and symbolics of ASU;
-addresses issues of changing the ASU structure,
including the creation, reorganization or liquidation of Faculties and other Departments of ASU;
-approves Regulations on ASU Structural Units and other provisions on the University activities;
-conducts elections by competition for the posts of: Department Heads, Lecturers of different University Departments;
-approves the candidatures of Faculty Deans according to election results at Faculty Expanded Academic Councils;
-forms and approves the Library Council composition;
-makes decisions on assignment the Academic Title of Associate
Professors and Professors;
-adopts the ASU Applicant Admission Rules and Plan;
-approves the Research Thematic Plan, the Annual Plan of Scientific Events;
-holds hearings of Vice-Rectors Annual Reports
on Academic, Scientific, Educational and Economic activities;
-annually holds hearings and approves the ASU Financial Report;
-confers the title of Honorary Doctor and Honorary Professor of Abkhaz State University;
- nominates candidates for the award of State Prizes of the Republic of Abkhazia, submits, in the
established manner, proposals on rewarding Lecturers and staff with Industry and State Awards and on conferring Honorary Titles of the Republic of Abkhazia;
-makes decisions on granting
Lecturers and other staff with Creative Leaves
(sabbatical) and (or) on sending them for Internships;
- approves students' nominations for Personal Scholarships;
- decides on the creation or participation in Commercial and Non-profit Organizations;
-makes other decisions aimed at improving the training quality and the level of Scientific Research.
ПЛАН РАБОТЫ Ученого совета АГУ на 2018-2019 учебный год
Вопрос повестки
Результаты аттестаций и подготовка к летней экзаменационной сессии
- проректор по УР доц. Маландзия В.И.
- учебный отдел - деканы факультетов
Вопрос повестки
О выполнении учебной нагрузки за II-й семестр 2018-2019 учебного года
- начальник УО Харазия Н.А.
- учебный отдел - деканы факультетов
Вопрос повестки
Отчет о работе Ученого Совета университета за 2018-2019 учебный год
-ректор АГУ, акад. Гварамия А.А.
- ученый секретарь
Вопрос повестки
Отчет о воспитательной работе за 2017-2018 уч. год и утверждение Плана ВР на 2018-2019 уч. год.
проректор по ВР доц. Чегия М.Н.
Вопрос повестки
Отчет о работе Республиканского Центра повышения квалификации
и.о. директора РЦПК доц. Поздняков В.И.
Вопрос повестки
Об итогах педагогической и производственной практик студентов.
рук. педпрактики Гергия Ж.Ч. рук. произв. практ. Киут Г.К.
- руководители практик
Вопрос повестки
Отчет о работе отдела аспирантуры
Начальник отдела Смыр Н.Х.
Вопрос повестки
Отчет о работе Учебно-методического отдела
начальник отдела Сковин Е.В.
Вопрос повестки
Итоги аттестаций и подготовка к зимней сессии
проректор по УР доц. Маландзия В.И.
- начальник УО; - деканы факультетов
Вопрос повестки
Утверждение Плана работы Ученого Совета АГУ на 2018-2019 уч. год.
ректор, акад. Гварамия А.А.
- проректоры; - начальник УО; -главный уче-ный секретарь
Вопрос повестки
Итоги вступительных экзаменов в 2018 г.
ответственный секретарь ПК доц. Озган Е.К.
- Приемная комиссия
Вопрос повестки
Итоги летней сессии и государственной аттестации выпускников 2018 г.
проректор по УР доц. Маландзия В.И.
- начальник УО; - деканы факультетов
Вопрос повестки
О профориентационной работе Приемной комиссии и подготовке к приему абитуриентов на новый учебный год
ответственный секретарь ПК
- заведующие кафедрами, -деканы факультетов
Вопрос повестки
Отчет о работе НОСАМУ
- председатель НОСАМУ
- председатели факультетских НОСАМУ
Вопрос повестки
О выполнении учебной нагрузки ППС за 1-й семестр 2018-2019 уч. г.
начальник УО Харазия Н.А.
- учебный отдел - деканы факультетов
Вопрос повестки
Об итогах зимней экзаменационной сессии 2018-2019 учебного года
проректор по УР доц. Маландзия В.И.
- учебный отдел; - деканы факультетов
Вопрос повестки
Состояние и перспективы развития научно-исследовательской работы в университете. Отчет по НИР за 2018 г. и утверждение Планов НИР и НИРС на 2019 год.
проректор по науке проф. Адлейба Дж.Я.
- начальник отдела науки и аспирантуры
Вопрос повестки
Итоги финансово-экономичес-кой и хозяйственной деятельности университета за 2018 год и основные параметры бюджета на 2019 год.
проректора: доц. Делба В.В., Кортуа А.И. гл. бух. Барциц А.Л.